As the line between commercial and government space efforts become blurred, technologies that assist with autonomy, global navigation services, localized climate study and satellite anomaly detection & remediation become at risk. The fact that Space Domain Awareness impacts all space users and is contributed to by all global partners, makes effectively makes any analysis an integration problem. From real-time analysis of orbital trajectories, to understand TLE constraints and data enrichment, effective space domain awareness requires international cooperation and information sharing, and governments, military organizations, and commercial companies, all have a role to play in this.
Data integration and anomaly detection are key components to Near Earth Objects (NEO) Analysis and End of Life Tracking. These activities have the purpose of observing, cataloging and anticipating changes in natural or end of life objects in the solar system that might cross paths with Earth, satellite constellations or spacecraft. An AI-led approach to analyzing and alerting of potential anomalies associated with space objects to include GNSS spoofing, rapid orbital change, orbital perturbance variance and IOC's from potential cyber intrusion events are also key features necessary in the identification of unknown phenomena and the analysis of conjunction risk.
Understanding space weather is critical to any sustained operations in space; high radiation output (e-p flux) can wreak havoc with sensitive electronics, geomagnetic anomalies can cause induced collisions through sudden orbital change, and large scale terrestrial communications blackouts can be traced to ionic bends. Space weather, to include hello-science, tracking magnetic storm activities, and interplanetary magnetic field interactions that with critical infrastructure are logical components to a sustainable space ecosystem.
Analytic packages for scientists, astronauts and future colonists require thinking out of the box: for instance, satellites can serve as fixed reference position with a known ephemeris to provide coordinate mapping and route guidance no matter the planetary body. Lunar agents require accurate space weather and electromagnetic readings, alerting and forecasting to maintain a successful presence on the lunar surface. Mars with its limited atmosphere also provides limited protection to cosmic radiation and electromagnetic interference; to combat against these issues, a common analytics alerting model is required providing consistency, safety alerting and prediction.